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NoAds 2006.07.28

Stop Popup Web Ads Popup Stopper

NoAds stops popup web ads from getting in your way. NoAds is fully configurable, allowing you to specify which popups will be stopped automatically. It stops popups on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and America Online. It's simple to use, and stops popups while staying hidden in the system tray. NoAds will not stop popups titled "Messenger Service". To stop those ads, download Stop Messenger Service Ads!...another free tool we offer.
Screenshots (click the preview pic(s) to enlarge)
Stop Popup Web Ads Popup Stopper!

Product Highlights

- Excellent browser support
NoAds supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, and America Online

- Easy to use
The included tutorial makes it a cinch for anyone to use
Download NoAds
274 KB / 1 min
Choose Open, Run, or Save

Installation help
NoAds Price: Free
What's New in this Version
- Cleaned up code
- Updated AOL and Internet Explorer icons
- Fixed display bug on Win98
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Compatibility: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, NT, Millenium Edition, 98
"I am a big fan of your program NoAds. It is deffinetly [sic] the best product in that genre I have ever used."

NoAds user

"Just a big thank you for letting me download NoAds. It is the first one that I have found that works! Great job and I thank you. I will never have to look at the Amazing Cam again!!!"

NoAds user

"used no ads for a while to stop my popups until I discovered I had spyware. I hired someone to remove the spyware popups but I still keep noads installed. thank you for making it free!"

Women's Shoes by Andrea

"...just wanted to say that a program I use called NoAds was the best program i've ever used before. It was easy, convenient, and very useful! Its such a great software that when my computer had to clear out some things and NoAds was acciedently erased from my system, i spent months and months just trying to find the website that i had downloaded it from. I also tried other ad eliminator programs and they were very you can imagine how happy I was when I finally found NoAds on a website today. Therefore, I just had to write and tell the makers of this fantastic software to keep up the great work and I hope they come up with more software that is as easy to use as NoAds is! Thank you so much=)"

NoAds user

"Noads is really a GREAT tool, and it's running all the time on my comp. It's way more stable than other programs of the kind..."

NoAds user

"I LOVE noads! Thank you very, very much. I can start my day being less irritated. Everyone should have noads on their computer."

NoAds user

"Thank you for having NoAds available! I have tried many programs but yours works great so far! You have added much joy to my day. Bless you!"

NoAds user

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